
Laboratory of Neural Systems (SisNe)
Department of Physics, FFCLRP
University of Sao Paulo, Ribeirao Preto

Lago Campus Ribeirão Preto - USP


The Laboratory of Neural Systems uses mathematical modeling and computational simulation tools to try to understand how the brain works and generates behavior.

Some central questions addressed by the laboratory are:

Is it possible to construct detailed neural models that combine different kinds of experimental data (biophysical, anatomical, etc) which, when simulated in computer, are sufficient to reproduce observed phenomena?

Is it possible to use detailed computer simulations of neural systems as experimental models to investigate phenomena difficult or impossible to be studied in vivo? Is it possible to make testable predictions from these simulations?

How to understand high level animal behavior, e.g. decision making, from a neural substrate?

The Laboratory of Neural Systems is also involved with computational neuroscience teaching offering regular courses at the University of Sao Paulo and organizing the Latin American School on Computational Neuroscience (LASCON).

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